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Showing posts from June, 2021

Cultivation Practices of Mango

                 MANGO   Scientific name: Mangifera indica L Family: Anacardiaceae. Origin: Indo Burma region Chromosome No. 40   Introduction: Mango is the most important among the tropical fruits of India and it is very popular and considered to be the choicest of all fruits grown in India. It is known as the, “king of fruits” , owing to delicious quality of fruit, richness in vitamins and minerals and liking to Indian palate. It is also one of the best fruits of the world. Mango occupies the pride place in India as apple in temperate and grapes in sub-tropical regions of the world. Mango thus deserves to be ― the national fruit of India . Ripe mango is exceedingly refreshing to eat and is an excellent source of Vitamin-A and C. The immature and green fruit is used in various ways in curries, pickles and chutneys. Ripe mango slices an...